Happy Friday loves! I am so happy to be posting today. I have been working hard on these blogs and adding a couple new features/social media outlets to continue growing our audience & making sure you never miss anything! ;) I will update you as everything is finalized, but let me know what you are thinking of the blog so far. Do you like the new make-over? At any rate, spring has brought us WARMER weather!!! Yes! I am loving the bright sun and the warmth of it's rays as I sit outside or even driving home. I am originally from Florida, so you know I was born for the sun. LOL. I just wanted to share a couple of pictures of outfits I have been putting together lately. I guess you could say the warmer weather has really inspired me to bring out more color. ;) I hope this gives you a little bit of motivation to rock your bright colors! :) With some of the rainy weather we've had throughout the week, a little bit of sunsh...
Strength and honour are her clothing... Proverbs 31:25