Hello my dear readers,
I'm so sorry I've been so ghost on all of you! Huge thanks to D2 for keeping you guys updated. :D I have been crazy trying to travel for Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping for a family that my job adopted, and trying to continue planning my upcoming trip to NY...last but not least work. :/ hehehe.
At any rate, I know everyone is getting ready to spend quality time with their families over the holidays as well as giving wonderful gifts from the heart. I'm more of a giver than a receiver. I love to think my heart was constructed under the blue print of the heart of Jesus...always giving out of love. I am not saying Christmas should be about gifts, but it's always nice when I can make someone else smile. Definitely take this time to appreciate your loved ones and spend the time that you've missed with them throughout the year.
...AND if you have some EXTRA time on your hands, feel free to reach out to those in real need. We are too blessed to keep those blessings within our families. Reach out to those around you, who are in a genuine need to receive a gift of love, food on a plate, or a warm jacket on their backs. <3
So my ladies and gentlemen, I have a perfect post for all of you. They have extended cyber Monday to cyber Tuesday! :) As you continue to shop for your loved ones, feel free to visit these sites for amazing sales & some even have FREE SHIPPING! (this is a plus for all online shoppers!)
Here are a few stores I found for both men (who btw have GREAT sales) and women:
1. H&M (www.hm.com/us) FREE SHIPPING with code: 1187
2. Forever 21 (www.forever21.com) FREE SHIPPING with code: CYBERTUES
These are very cute items! :) They also carry PLUS SIZES!
3. Asos (free shipping) (http://us.asos.com/men/) + 30% with code: GIMMEMORE

HOPE THIS HELPS WITH THE STRESS OF SHOPPING! ;) HAPPY SHOPPING & Thank you for being such great readers! Have a blessed day!
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