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Embellished Spikes = Yikes!

Hello my lovely readers!

Today's post is going to be just a little different. I like to keep things positive on our blog, but I really feel I must express my disagreement of a fashion trend. You may not agree with this opinion at all, but I'm ok with "everyone is entitled to their own opinion." I love all aspects of fashion, especially when shopping for my lovely modest ladies. This is why I feel it necessary to really talk about this fashion trend...EMBELLISHED SPIKES on heels (or anything for that matter)!

You all know I love heels! In order for me to really dislike a style of heel is difficult, but I must admit this trend is not cute at all. I feel like someone was trying to make 3D art and decided, why don't we do the same with heels...big mistake in my humble opinion. I absolutely dislike these shoes. A heel is meant to add femininity to a woman not thorns. These shoes make it look like she came out of a rosebush and the thorns just stuck to her heels.

I get the whole 'fashion statement' aspect of it. Maybe the "I'm bad" statement. Maybe it was more of a feminist design for more "power to the women." I don't care how it originated or why, I just really advise you ladies to think twice before purchasing these heels. I don't think they are cute at all, if you don't believe me see below:

Excuse me?? How is this cute? The ones below look like horse hooves...Somebody spent too much time looking at horses and thinking "how cute would it be to put spikes through their hooves?", just put that away. Why would you buy something like that? lol. sorry, I just really don't like these shoes. lol.

Oh come one, if you don't say these colorful ones are hideous...we might need to do some major reach outs. hehehehe. Like really, I would love to see a modest girl pull these off. The black ones aren't that bad, but could you imagine trying to cross your legs at your ankles with all of these shoes? If you're clumsy like me...OUCH! LOL.

The only time I could ever see these being useful or somewhat decent, would be for black and white photos where major dramatic images are required for great photography, other than that...ladies,

Don't get wrong I love studs, and I think they do add a little spice to the shoe & they don't over do it. See below:

This is what I call a fashion sense with class & making a statement. Something you could work with for more than one occasion. (I these studs/small spikes ever fall off?)
I absolutely love these! Cute yet feminine! These are some heels that will give you an entrance! :)

Not bad...studs and small spikes combined. Cute.

At least these won't hurt your ankle while crossing your legs or anyone near you for that matter. lol. ;)

 Modest ladies, you know what feels right and what doesn't. I just want ALL ladies to really pay attention to what the market offers them. Please, not everything in the fashion market is great fashion.

Ok, sorry I just had to let it out! lol. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!


  1. So, you know I have to comment: I LOVE THOSE!! J/K! I def dislike those spiked shoes. They are U-G-L-Y! I could not see myself wearing those. Nope, not at all! When it comes to the studs, I'm not crazy about them either but they do look nice on some shoes. From the pics above, I have to say I really like the black shoes with the gold (?!) studs. Those are my fav :) So I def agree with you girl & I have to add sometimes simple is BETTER! :) Take care and God Bless!


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