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Good Thursday to you my friends!

I have wonderful news...I bought an article of clothing..yay yay yay! do the dance w/ me...whoop whoop! hehehe.
So, I bought a dress from It was on sale and I've been wanting a maxi dress so, I spent my little bit of money I had LOL! Below, is the dress I bought. Isn't it pretty?!?! It has a small pocket on the top/left but it isn't very noticeable. As you can see they have four different colors. At first, I wanted one with color, one that would go POP! Then, I took a good look at the pictures because I like to make sure I don't show too much. I said "too much" because regardless, you're always going to end up showing something...unfortunately :(  
I bought this dress about a week ago maybe (?!) and I received it yesterday. Woohoo! My husband said I got something in the mail and he asked me what it was but I wouldn't tell him. I tricked him into thinking it was something for him LOL! He opened it and saw it was a dress hehehe...nonetheless, he was happy for me & liked the dress! SCORE!
I chose to buy the dress in black, just in case. You know that color hides your imperfections. I'm skinny but still, I have my flaws and I like to cover them up and make sure they aren't visible ;) I wear size 8 or M so I decided to try the M and it fit very good. I noticed that it is a little loose at the top but near the mid section it's fitted to your curves ;P... I usually try to get the OK from my hubby and he said it fit good so...BUT, I'm definitely going to need a slip and a "tank top underneath" (tnx to the first D for the tank top advice) and obviously something over it. A jacket/blazer or sweater.
It IS a maxi dress from asos and a very nice one at that. Check out the dresses! 
It's my first purchase form there and I hope it's not my last!

Image 1 of Vila Tank Maxi Dress  Image 1 of Vila Tank Maxi Dress
Image 1 of Vila Tank Maxi Dress  Image 1 of Vila Tank Maxi Dress

God Bless! Have a wonderful weekend!

Love this


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