Hello to all of my amazing gentlemen!! As promised, I am making this post for you guys. ;) Based on our feedback, the topic for today was requested by our male readers! Thank you guys for being so faithful to our blog and showing your interest for more fashion tips. Someone mentioned that I tend to use pictures of "model" males and females, and it felt unrealistic. So...I had a few guys who were willing to be our "real" life models. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and ethnic backgrounds. ;) Special shout out to each of them. Ok... BOW TIES VS. TIES . What's the difference??????? When should you wear one???? How do you wear either one of them???? No worries gentlemen! We're here to help. ;) Beside the obvious reason of difference in style, the Bow Tie has a long reputation of being classy, authoritative, and extremely formal. They have also been very popular for the southern preppy style. For example, bow ties are highly reco...
Strength and honour are her clothing... Proverbs 31:25