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Quick Lil Tips

Hi! God Bless Everyone!
Hope all is well!

Remember back a few months when I told you about the uses for Coconut Oil?!

Coconut Oil as Face Moisturizer
Well, I tried the coconut oil and I tried it on my face as a moisturizer. It works very well with my skin. My skin is oily so I thought my face was going to look like straight up oil BUT it didn't ;) Also, I had a few bumps around my nose/upper lip area because I went and got it waxed along with my eyebrows and chin LOL! Obviously my skin is not made for that so I won't be doing that again...well, I won't be waxing near my nose/lip area... NO NO NO! Because it has anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial functions I decided to try it out around the nose/lip area and guess what? That allergic reaction I had to the waxing is gone :) YAY! I also use a topical cream on my face that dries my skin out but because I use the Coconot Oil on my face, my face doesn't peel anymore! Another thing I noticed about using coconut oil is that whether you take it by mouth or just massage it on your face, your skin will glow. Also if you have any spots on your face that you want to get rid of I would recommend you try the coconut oil but just know that it may take a couple of weeks or more for you to see results...but I'm pretty sure everyone's skin varies.
BTW,  it keeps your skin moisturized all day!

Coconut Oil for Hair Growth 
I used it on my scalp because I had 2 small spots on my head where my hair wasn't really growing. I decided to use it every night on those 2 spots just to see what would happen AND...drum roll please... my hair IS growing! It is between 2-3 inches long right now. Sometimes when I put my hair up, I have those 2 spots where my hair will just stand straight up LOL! Hey, at least I have hair hehehe!

So, I also tried coconut oil as a deodorant. I tried it one night before going to bed and after taking a shower. It worked very well. I would recommend you using it if you don't sweat a lot and/or smell ... bahaha...I'm so bad but you may not get the truth somewhere else!? :)

Jergen's Body Lotion
So, I don't know how many of you guys use Jergen's body lotion but I tried this lotion about a year ago and I've been hooked on it. I use it to firm and tone my skin plus it smells good (that's always a plus). It says on the bottle that it "reduces the appearance of cellulite for visibly firmer skin" but I wouldn't exactly recommend this lotion for that purpose :( SAD, I know. Don't works if you want your skin to become firm(er). Under the "how to use" section on the Jergen's website it states that for best results to use it on your buttocks, upper arms, thighs, hips and stomach. For sure I would recommend using it on those areas. I even use it on my neck and right below my chin. But seriously you will see results in about 2 weeks. You will notice that your skin will be tighter. Looove it!

Since I'm on the subject of firming and toning skin...let me tell you of a way to tone your bottom and legs ;) LUNGES! you can do them with weights/dumbbells or without them. When I work out I usually do 3 sets of 20-25 with 30 seconds of resting in between each set. If not I will do about 2 sets of 50 with about 1 min to 2 mins rest. You feel the burn instantly, especially if you use dumbbells. (I have noticed that when I use weights I see and feel the results much faster). I'm pretty sure you want to know the weight of the the dumbbells I use...ok, I use 25 pounders. (25 lbs on each hand...but that's bc I've been doing this for a the way, I'm about 5'3"-130 lbs). I would suggest you start with 5-10 lbs; whatever you feel comfortable with :)  Squats are also known to lift and tone your bottom and thighs; as well as the lunges. If you'd like to try it here you go :)

Let your backside feel the burn with this short and effective workout!  Lunge 101 I have such a difficult time with lunges I Should read this before every lunge work out :)

Zero Frizz Hair Serum
I have very wavy/curly hair and when I don't straighten my hair I usually wear it one of two ways: up in a bun or down wavy with hair mousse on. I like to use Tres Emme Extra firm control hair mousse. I like the wet hair look when I use this mousse but I wanted something that wouldn't leave my hair so hard and heavy. One of my friends told me to try Zero Frizz (I buy it at Wal Mart). You get the wet hair look but without the heavy, hard hair. It is a serum so it's kindda sticky and oily but smells pretty good. This bottle is probably about $5 but it lasts me a while...then again I don't use it too much (I use a lot on my hair because it's a good bit of hair. I do use it on damp hair, by the way). I usually don't like my curly/wavy hair but looks good in the pics :)
If you have curly/wavy hair and if there is a product that you use that you believe is awesome please let me know because I would love to try something else. As my co-worker says "the struggle is real"! 

This pic was at the end of the day.
See those crazy curls/waves

Lightened the picture so you could see my curls.
This was in the middle of the day.

Original Picture...true hair color ;)

I know this post is something totally different than anything else I've done but these are things that have helped me and so why not share?!?!
ā¤ join us in praying for God to protect/save those of us who do his will, have him in our hearts & turn from our wicked ways. If we all get down on our knees & ask him to change our hearts, help one another & ask him to save us, he will...

Please keep me and my family in your grandpa passed away this weekend :`( I know he and my grandma are resting in God's arms! Thank you for reading!


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